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buongiorno a tutti io ho pcm2009 e vorrei sapere se mi conviene prendere il 2010 (mi dite anche i cambiamenti o gli errori) grazie in anticipoooo

Io ho il 2009, sto finalmente facendo una bella carriera decennale e da quanto ho letto fin'ora qui, no, non ti conviene. Non ora. Ti lustrerai gli occhi per i primi tre giorni ma dopo subentrerà una frustazione doppia rispetto ai capitoli precedenti.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Amministratori

To update your Pro Cycling Manager 2010 game, please run the game.

If a message indicating that an update is available, please click the Yes button.

If there is no message, your game is already updated.

Otherwise you can download and install manually the latest update available for the game.


This update fix mostly (complete changelog at the bottom of the message):

- Crashes at the end of the races for Windows 7+Max Details configs.

- Multiplayer issues + intermediate sprints for ladder (+ 5 new races).

- Some little career fixes.

- Comeback of the variants for the career mode (for community packs).


To download and install the update for Pro Cycling Manager 2010:

If you have the version of Pro Cycling Manager 2010:



If you have the version of Pro Cycling Manager 2010:



If you do not know your game version, please install the first update (Setup-Patch-

Save the application file on the hard disk.

Once download done, run the application file and follow the instructions.

If you have Windows Vista or Windows 7 and you cannot install the update:

- Right mouse click the application file and click Run as administrator.

We recommend you to use a free download manager like Free Download Manager to download your files.

This will allow you to resume a broken or paused download and should prevent the corruption of files once downloaded.


The update includes all previous updates.


- Improved memory usage with the public. The consumption is now decreased on the two higher detail levels (3 & 4)

- Fixed several minor issues with memory

- Increased maximum number of player in multi (20 from 8)

- Reactivated ladder sprints

- Fixed a multiplayer issue in track mode. Riders used to be stuck during chat between players.

- Fixed the « gameover » bug in season mode when a crash occured during a race

- Fixed an in race bug that could limit one rider's effort during a small period of time (slowdown effect)

- Added game saved from the menu when the game is launched with the Gamecenter

- Fixed a bug with the renewal priorities for the next season. Riders still under contract do not ask for a renewal for the next season

- Fixed a display bug on the Objectives page, some races (Oman, Qatar) did display winners for the mountain ranking whereas then do not have any.

- Introduced back the stage variation system in career mode. Data are not included, but the system now allows modification from community packs

- Added 5 new Ladder races (Dauphiné Libéré : Crolles – L’Alpe d’Huez, Tour d'Espagne : Murcia - Orihuela, GP al Pais Vasco : Eibar – Orio, Hamburg Turm et GP di Lombardia)

- Fixed the water bug in the editor (when creating a stage from an heightmap)

Note : it's exactly the same patch as the beta version from August 4.


- Improved races listing programms in career mode. This is only viable for new career saves made with this patch.

- Fixed an issue concerning the young riders progress limitation on the acceleration characteristic in career mode.

- Fixed a simulation issue that could prevent to assign a leader or a sprinter.

- Fixed an issue with equipement that could previously stay on the default C1 configuration.

- Added three new ladder races (Paris-Roubais, Tour de France : Cambrai - Reims, Tour de France : Bagnères de Luchon - Pau).

- Updated the Ladder database.


- Improved game performances and memory management.

- Improved sprints gameplay (fixed issues with "trains" and team mates).

- New A.I. in season mode, when selecting riders (improved contestants selection when there are only a few riders for each team).

- Several improvements in detailed simulation (Possib.ility to change the riders role in the bottom of the page and fixed the issue with the selection of a leader not registered in the race).

- Fixed the number of riders affected to a training during season two and the following ones.

- Fixed a bug that could prevent to go through the listing of world championships.

- Fixed the list of winners : top 25 is displayed on important races.

- Fixed the goals difficulty for weak custom teams.

- Several improvements in multiplayer interface.

- Fixed an issue in multiplayer when loading a season or stage race.

- Fixed a protection issue which detected the use of an emulation software.

- Added a protection to avoid the encounter of young riders with outstanding characteristics. This is only viable for new career saves made with this patch.


- Fix a crash that could occur when reloading a saved game in « Season mode »

- Fix the world championships riders selection.

- Fix a crash when using “Escape” button while there was a “waiting for connection…” pop-up.

- Fix a bug which created in rare cases some young talents with very high attributes (> 77).

- Fix ITT Training camps bug which was not giving the bonus.


- Fix the October, 24th crash ( only).



- Changed routes of two stages in Tour of Australia and the stage "Pau-Tourmalet" of the Tour de France.


- Goals changed: sponsor’s contentment for Classics is not counted twice anymore; goals are displayed, the race date is now displayed.

- Magazine improved: fixed some riders pictures and the choice of the rider of the month.

- Improved the career loading time.

- Fixed the custom team ranking at the career start and update it when the year changes.

- National and Global champions are now saved.

- Training camps: Fixed booking dates for training camps and deletion of characteristic bonus at the end of the training camps.

Season Mode:

- Fixed a crash in Season mode.

- Removed incapacitating injuries for this mode.


- Improved stability of long period of gaming.

- Tunnels : Fixed a rare crash on stages with tunnels and fixed a camera angle when getting out of a tunnel.

- Removed all zebra crossings on bridges and cobblestone roads.

- Fixed the temporary ranking in race.

- Fixed commentaries in race: maximum amount of displayed commentaries is now 5.

- Fixe a gap between the displayed finish line and the real finish line on a few stages (Catalogne stage 3, Mallorca stage 2).

- Fixed the Start list in Stage Race mode.

- Improved low walls texture.

- Changed road tags.

- Added handling of withdrawals in detailed simulation.


- Improved results display with the addition of the player’s name in the results and fixed the selected stages list in Stage Race mode.

- LAN: Fixed GameCenter settings in Season mode and the display of riders’ age.

- Improved stability in Track mode ladder.


- Navigation: Escape can now be used to close popups during the race and to perform a return in manager pages.

- Improved the information page before race: bonus points are now displayed with top priority.

- Added the automatic pause function when the player browses options during a solo 3D Race.

- New shortcut: CTRL + U hides (or displays) the interface during a 3D race.

- Improved the display of stage events.

- Changed colour to display distances between rider groups in race (Green -> White).

- Fixed several elements in the interface ('Search' menu; shape planning in career; "next" icons during replays and podiums; riders command board in race; popup in replay mode; font of bottom icons in the management screen; Pause icon in Track mode).

- Added some mini-logos for custom teams.


- Improved stability and performances of the stage (Fixed "Pelt" tool and shadow management).

- Added the prologue characteristic in the database Editor.


- Updated some localizations.

- Screenshots are now saved in PNG instead of BMP.


- Improved the detection of 512 MB graphics cards.

- Added new screen resolutions and removed non standard resolutions.

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Aggiungo che questa non è l'ultima e la cyanide sta lavorando a un fix

Questo il messaggio


Just a quick message to tell you that we're working on 2 major problems which seems to bother most of you in the races:

1. Gaps in mountain

We're trying to reproduce this problem.

When reading you it seems the problem happens always but after much tests we didn't reproduce it yet and gaps are still huge in the mountains while sprinters are often 20 minutes and more behind.

We'll continue until we reproduce and fix it.

2. Sprints

Sometimes the sprints are a complete mess with climbers/non-sprinters who can win or

This have been reproduce here (in about 30% of the flat stages) and we'll fix it.

We're very sorry not to give you a release date for the moment but we'll work on it until a complete fix/validation.

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mi conviene installarla??

Io l'ho installata...a me funziona abbastanza bene...tranne qualche sporadico ogni modo il tour down under, la tirreno adriatico e il giro di Calabria hanno ancora alcune tappe uguale...anzi il giro di calabria è uguale sputato alla Tirreno....sapete se qualcuno qui ha già fatto gli stages mancanti?? oppure se saranno applicati al fix finale atteso della Cyanaide!!??

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Io l'ho installata...a me funziona abbastanza bene...tranne qualche sporadico ogni modo il tour down under, la tirreno adriatico e il giro di Calabria hanno ancora alcune tappe uguale...anzi il giro di calabria è uguale sputato alla Tirreno....sapete se qualcuno qui ha già fatto gli stages mancanti?? oppure se saranno applicati al fix finale atteso della Cyanaide!!??

bisogna riniziare la carriera????

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comunque i cyanide stanno sistemando il gameplay, tanto che hanno corretto gli arrivi in gruppo delle classiche e gli sprint dove si piazzavano gli uomini di classifica. Ci sarà anche un rinfoltimento delle tappe, tutto nella prossima patch (che si spera sia l'ultima) :mrgreen:

forse da quel giorno potrò cominciare una carriera con il 2010, visto che per ora mi diletto ancora con il 2009 (in cui sono arrivato al 5 anno :blink: )

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no mi correggo, martedì uscirà una beta con i fix del gameplay, mentre le tappe saranno aggiornate in seguito dato che hanno dato maggior importanza al gameplay. Per le tappe si saprà di più nei prossimi giorni :wink:

:o che rivoluzioneeee bellissimo il rifornimento dalla fascia di voto buono entriamo a distinto :o

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