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PCM Worldcup 2013

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It is time for the Pro Cycling Manager World Championships 2013. will organise the World Cup for all track disciplines and for road races from May 20 until June 16. Subscriptions for the first round are open from now till May 18 (C.E.T 23.59). We play every evening on 20.45 C.E.T a discipline. The disciplines are always played on the same day of the week. If you can't play an evening, don't panic: there are second chances for each round. People who couldn't qualify themselves from the first time can play a second time and qualify themselves before the real game begins. There is no problem If you were late subscribing for the first round. Thanks to the second chances, you can still become World Champion if you subscribe for the second changes event before May 24 for the first discipline (scratch) and before May 29 for the last discipline (Road Race) played.

If you would like to have some more information, you can have a look at our World Cup Board. If you are already convinced and you would like to participate and maybe win some of the many prizes like free 'Pro Cycling Manager 13' versions or armada bonuses. The official language of this whole World Cup is English. But if you do not speak it very well, you can also ask questions in your own language in a special questions topic.

After the success of last years National Team World Cup, we will organise this concept again. Every nation gets their own board where they can talk about the tactics they want to use in all track and road disciplines. Yes, we also organise a National Team Road World Cup. In this World cup do you play in team with your compatriots against other nations. For more information about this National Team World Cup, visit our National Team World Cup board.

We wish you all a successful and pleasant World Championship.


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Praticamente, non ho capito nulla.

La Coppa è per PCM 12?

Dove ci si iscrive?

Ti conviene imparare l'inglese allora.

Il mondiale è logicamente per pcm 12.

Comunque, vai su sto sito per iscriverti: .

Se ti si apre in olandese vai infondo al sito dove c'è scritto Nederlands premi e ti viene da cambiar lingua, selezioni english.

Poi entri nella sezione  PCM World Cup 2013 -> General -> Subscriptions -> Subscriptions Solo World Cup 2013 e lì scrivi

Online Name: [il tuo nome online su pcm12]

Country: Italy

Disciplines you want to play:

Scratch: [No/Yes]

Points Race: [No/Yes]

Elimination: [No/Yes]

Keirin: [No/Yes]

200 Time Trial: [No/Yes]

Omnium: [No/Yes]

Road: [No/Yes]

Available to host: [No/Yes]


Available to host significa se sei in grado di hostare (per ulteriori informazioni ).

Per ulteriori informazioni(visto che ho notato che l'inglese non è il tuo forte) qui

puoi chiedere informazioni anche in italiano.

P.S.: le iscrizioni sono aperte fino al 18 maggio alle 23.59.

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