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Savoluca Minishirts 2006

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Savoluca Minishirts 2006

These minishirts are made for our 2006 databases, but you can download them single on our site. We made them off course for the teams that are in our database which are the 71 teams listed beneath. We used a selfmade style of minishirts. :mrgreen:

- Bouygues Telecom

- Credit Agricole

- Cofidis

- Team CSC

- Davitamon - Lotto

- Discovery Channel

- Andalucia

- Team Lamonta

- Rabobank TT3

- Auber 93

- Team Milram

- Elk Haus

- Health Net

- Jartazi - 7Mobile

- Euskaltel

- Fassa Bortolo


- Gerolsteiner

- Caisse d' Epargne

- Lampre

- Liquigas

- Liberty Seguros

- Phonak

- Quick Step

- Rabobank

- Saunier Duval

- T-Mobile Team

- AG2R

- Intel Action

- Acqua

- Agritubel

- Selle Italia

- Jacques - Vlaanderen

- Kaiku

- LA - Liberty

- Landbouwkrediet

- Team Miche


- Navigators

- Naturino

- Panaria

- Relax

- Shimano

- Team Barloworld

- Tenax

- Comunidad Valenciana

- Team Wiesenhof

- Team Vorarlberg

- Ceramica Flaminia

- 3 Molinos

- Team Androni

- Australia

- Austria

- Belgium

- Colombia

- Denmark

- France

- Germany

- Great Britain

- Holland

- Italy

- Kazakstan

- Lithaunie

- Norway

- Poland

- Portugal

- Russia

- Spain

- Swiss

- Ukrain



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Thank you Camerluca, but the new db will have problems like Savoluca 2005??

I have had some problems of crash with your Db 2005...

Thank you very much

We never heard about those problems. The only thing we know that you can't have any crashes with our database... :wink:

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