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PCM World Cup 2012?

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Hello Italians :)

Can you tell me when the next PCM World Cup starts? Some german people asked me that question and i was unable to answer :( In last year you opened the registration in March, so I´m a bit confused :dubbio:. Maybe there is another community, that is responsible for the next Tournament? I don't know, so I hope someone of you (maybe emmea or bubba) can answer this question.

Greetings from Germany :wink:

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I am sorry but as the main organizer in the past years and multiplayer responsable of this community i can announce for sure that our website won't host the world cup 2012. This don't mean that there won't be a world cup if other communities wanted to organize it.

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In these days we have received a lot of questions about that, for exemple Bjorn93. But if it will be a World Cup, we are not the organizers this year.

Good luck to the eventual organizers :wink:

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