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Team Track 200 TT - Semifinals


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Team Track 200 TT - Semifinals


Open room 20.30 CEST, start game 20.45 CEST

Three rounds for each group


  • Minimum time for each players is take into account for each group
  • Final ranking is made according to the sum of the minimum times
  • First two teams for each group advance to the semifinals
  • Three attempts for each group
  • Captain choose the members in the group, they can't be changed between attempts

Before the game

  • If when one team hosts more than 50% members of the room has high ping (red label) host will change until less than 50% of member has low ping. 
  • Hosts must open the room at 20.30 CEST with name "PCMWC 200TT - Group X" and pass "pcmwc"
  • If at 20.40 CEST room is not open, contact an organizer
  • Host have to set easy IA and choose the 10-10-10 db

During the game

  • In case of a crash of a player, follow the rules about crash
  • Players must take a rider of their team, except PCM Village that will use the World Champions Team

After the game

  • Each team must report screens and the results
  • In case screen of the results is not coherent with ingame screen, result screen is the one that matters
  • Players should not quit after the game to let the host take the export with their name in it
  • The first team listed for each match must send all the export file uploading them there (using forum attachments function) 
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Group A

1    Italy    241
2    PCM Village    266

3    Slavic Union    326
4    PCM NedVlam    790

Group B

1    Portugal    273
2    Team Skype    288

3    PCMduMardi B    389
4    PCM-Online.NET.RU    424

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