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PCM 2019 World Championships - Rulebook

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PCM 2019 World Championships - Community Cup - Rulebook


PCM 2019 World Championships - Community Cup is organized by Pro Cycling Manager Italia Community under the patrol of Cyanide Studio and Nacon.

The organization is composed at the moment by: Emmea90 (chief), Matthorse, Davi, Dg1107

Additional community members can be included in the management, but they are not part of the organization.


PCM World Cup runs from 14th April until 31st May. Every day during the week is composed by a series of disciplines that starts at 20.45 CEST.

Room creation and departure

At the time indicated by organizers room must be opened online by the host for each game. Host can launch the game when all the room members are present. Maximum depart time is set 15’ after the room creation. Passed this time host can launch the game even if not all the room members are present.

It’s possible to postpone the start of further 10 minutes if one of the following two conditions apply

  • An organization member order it
  • A player asks for it and the majority of the room members agreed

In the first round of each discipline the start will be given by the organizer as the organizers must move members from one group to another in case of unbalanced groups in numbers.

A player that is not present in the room at the moment of the game launch (for both road and track races) loses the right to compete in that round

In case of additional material is needed to play a game, players shall have it. The same it applies to hosts in case of material needed to point counting (XML files)

Crash and resetting


Crash are automatically managed by the system, unfortunately there is not autostop in PCM 2020 edition. If one player crashes is up to him to re-enter, the game can’t and won’t be stopped. Re-entering is managed by the game but host can sometimes pause the game using CTRL+ALT+DELETE command. Having the host to be focused on the game, pausing a game in case of a crash is considered a fair play act and is not mandatory. Players are free to play as they want when a player crashed.

Every player has the right to ask for one reset for wrong roster choice reason for the whole evening in the first 5 Km of the race or before the first Sprint / KOM of the race if it’s before 5 Km. Anyway, for a single game no more than two reset in total can be done.

If players think that a host player voluntary simulate a crash (i.e. he has just crashed with the leader or lost a sprint) they can write to the organization and player can be sanctioned but the game must be resetted.

A reset of the game will happen only if the host crash or there is a mass crash (more than 50% of people in the room simultaneously). Every time a game is resetted all intermediate points, eventually the ones at KOM or Intermediate sprints are lost.


Every player has at their disposal for the entire evening two crashes in the loading phase.

Game has to be resetted for

  • Mass crash, if the game has already started
  • Single crash, if a player isn’t able to load before the game start (usually games stands in load mode) or crashes before completing first lap (half of it for elimination and keirin)

Room Re-enter

When, for whatever reason, a game is resetted (for example, following a crash), game has to restarted not later than 5 minutes after the crash occurs.

If one player was not in the room at the moment of the original launch but joins the room after the crash, he has the right to play the game.

If a player was in the game at the moment of the reset but does not join the new room before 5 minutes after the crash, the game can be relaunched without him.


Only the organization can postpone games to other date or times. If there are troubles, of any sort, host of the room has to ask the organization explaining motivations. Postponed games will be recovered on the rest day, if available, or during the weekends starting from 19.00 CEST.

Replay and exports

After every race host should keep replay and excel exports (for road race) to the PCM WC 2020 Discord so organization can compute the points.

In track games everyone should take screenshots of the ranking, host has to send them at PCM WC 2020 Discord.

Other players have to make screenshots of the individual (and team, on road) ranking and send on request for complaints. Host have to wait to close the game to let other players take screenshots.

In case of controversial, jury can only decide basing on replay and screenshots. No reclaims are accepted without any material proof.

In case of lacking of material organization will decide case by case what to take into account considering the material at disposal and can decide for giving points, aborting the game or repeating it.

In case of contradictory material will be taken into account

  • Excel results for Stage sprint, GCs and team rankings
  • Screenshots for the sprints in the Road Inline
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It’s possible to subscribe one single player for each family. So, for example, brothers can only play with one account.

Subscriptions open and close at dates and times indicated by the organization. At the act of subscription, player must provide

  • Account name
  • Email
  • Nationality
  • Single competition in which he wants to compete. You must be a host to compete in sprint competition.
  • If he can and want to be host
  • If he can and want to stream a game

Subscription is one for each player. Player shall provide their main nationality, if a player has multiple nationality he’s allowed to choose. If a player took part in a past edition of PCM World Cup he shall be recognizable using the same nickname or same account on PCM ITA Forum or providing information of past accounts.

A multiple subscription, declaring the wrong nationality, a misleading or an impersonation will lead to the disqualification of the player involved.

According to the number of the players involved, the organizer can decide to turn the second round, for road and track, in a second chance and keep the subscriptions opened one week more. Players that will subscribe in this week will be allowed to start to play in Round 2 with the eliminated players from Round 1. This communication will be done after the first subscriptions are closed.


Teams are subscribed by the team captain. Each team must provide a nationality that the team represents, and the team won medals for. Team could be composed by players of different nationalities but must have at least three players of the nationality declared.

For each team six to eight players are subscribed by the captain. After the closing of the subscriptions captain can replace one or two players from his team, keeping the declared nationality quota of the team. Deadline for this is 23.59 of 11th may,


Subscription will be validated at those conditions

  • Correctly fill the subscription module
  • Post in the subscription section with required data
  • Email validation with correctly enter in the PCM World Championships discord chat

Fake emails (like 10 minutes mail) are not accepted for the subscriptions.


A Discord chat at address is maintained for the World Cup to facilitate organizers and players in the communications. You are required to subscribe in it.

Players are required to keep a fair behavior in the chat and player that verbally insults or abuse on other players can be sanctioned, also with the exclusion from the competition.



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Competition General Rules

General game-playing rules

  • Each player is free to play as he want, according to the game’s possibilities, except for the following rules
  • While it’s allowed that player help each other in certain race circumstances (for example, a breakaway), it’s strictly forbidden to team play. In other words, it’s forbidden any kind of help between players, without having advantage to it. If in case of team play between players, the organization will punish the players with either the exclusion of that event, or of the whole competition if the case is serious enough.
  • It’s forbidden to block an opponent in the last 2 kms of a road race.
  • It’s forbidden to block an opponent in the last 1000m before an intermediate sprint.
  • It's forbidden to deliberately block an opponent to slow down his pace in front of the peloton or prevent him to attack from the peloton.
  • In case a block is sanctioned by the jury, the sanctioned player will be allowed to discard his charges if, in the next 24 hours after the sanction, he'll be able to provide a registration that proved that he was not in the control of the player.
  • In road race it’s forbidden to play for damage or advantage a specific player. For example, continuously blocking a player in a game.
  • In track race every form of block is allowed.
  • In team races rounds both road and track is forbidden to play against a team. Every team has to play against the best result for themselves in the single event involved. A team that will decide to play against another team will get disqualified from the event. Deliberately picking a team to pass in place of another team will be considered teamplay.

Gameplay settings

  • Artificial Intelligence will be none in road (host will re-create the room with only the correct number of players involved) and set to easy in track races.
  • Fall rating will be set at 0%. We are aware that punctures can happen anyway, but we invite all the players to set at least falls at 0% to reduce the risk.
  • Variable condition deactivated
  • Bonus/Malus multiplayer deactivated
  • Road Races are played at x1 speed for all the time. People who change it will be sanctioned


Penalties are committed by a jury. PCM World Cup jury is nominated by organizers between trustworthy members and presided by organization head.

Jury reunions for committing penalties are seeded on player reclaim basis. Penalties are proposed by one of the members, presidency included, and approved on majority vote basis. Presidency does not vote for the sanctions except in the case of vote equality.

In case a jury member is directly involved in a decision he will able to discuss, but not to vote. The case in which is considered involved are the following

  • The jury member is in the same game of the player involved
  • The jury member is part of the same team of the player involved

In case of a decision in a team game, if two or more jury members are part of a same team, only one of them can vote.

Claims MUST be done immediately AFTER the race, the stage in question if it’s a road race. Player LOSE the right to claim if next stage is started or 23.59 pm passed after the last stage. Decisions will be taken immediately by the jury members present in THAT moment only, called by presidency. In case of a minitour, players have to wait for the decision. In all the other case the decision will be taken before the next round.

Jury verdict is not appealable. Protests and insults to the jury can cause further sanctions on the player.

Organizers reserves for themselves the right to suspend, penalize or ban a player in case of inappropriate behavior and/or insults without a jury vote and a player appeal.

Stage replacements

Organized reserves the right to replace already announced stage not before 2h before the stage start - for whatever reason.

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Competition Format – Single

Competitions are played into three or four rounds (First Round, Second Round Semifinals and Final) according to competition and number of subscriptions.

Round dates, group size and composition are communicated at subscription closing.

Road – Inline

Each round of road is composed by three stages: a green stage, a yellow stage, a red stage. Stages are announced not later than 48hrs before the race.

Points are given according to the order of the 1st rider for each player who crosses the line, excluding IA and all the other player riders according to this point scale

  • 1st: 100 points
  • 2nd: 70 points
  • 3rd: 50 points
  • 4th: 35 points
  • 5th: 25 points
  • 6th: 18 points
  • 7th: 10 points
  • 8th: 5 points
  • 9th: 2 points
  • 10th: 1 point

If a player does not show up, he does not take any points. Players which shows up but resign from the race take points according to the order they resign (who resign first is classified last).

Intermediate sprint and kom sprints gave points according to the following point scales. Differently from the ranking, they gave points according to the order of the riders, IA includes. So doubles, for example, are counted.

Intermediate sprints

  • 1st: 10 points
  • 2nd: 5 points
  • 3rd: 2 points

HC climbs

  • 1st: 10 points
  • 2nd: 7 points
  • 3rd: 5 points
  • 4th: 2 points
  • 5th: 1 points

1st cat climbs

  • 1st: 8 points
  • 2nd: 5 points
  • 3rd: 2 points
  • 4th: 1 points

2nd cat climbs

  • 1st: 5 points
  • 2nd: 2 points
  • 3rd: 1 point

3rd cat climbs

  • 1st: 2 points
  • 2nd: 1 point

4th cat climbs

  • 1st: 1 point


If, at the end of a round, there is an equality between two players, following tie-breakers are applied in order

  • Best placement in the previous round
  • Major amount of points in the previous round
  • Major amount of stage victories in the round
  • Major amount of second places in the round
  • Major amount of third places in the round
  • Major amount of first places on HC climbs
  • Major amount of first places in intermediate sprints
  • Better placement on the first man on the latest stage

Road – Individual Time Trial

Each round is composed by three individual time trials. Stages are announced not later than 48hrs before the race.

For the rest, same Inline rules may apply.


If, at the end of a round, there is an equality between two players, following tie-breakers are applied in order

  • Best placement in the previous round
  • Major amount of points in the previous round
  • Major amount of stage victories in the round
  • Major amount of second places in the round
  • Major amount of third places in the round
  • Better single time gap in the three stages from the 1st placed
  • Better sum of time gaps
  • Better placement on the first man on the latest stage

Road – Team Time Trial

Each round is composed by three team time trials. Stages are announced not later than 48hrs before the race.

For the rest, same Inline rules may apply.


If, at the end of a round, there is an equality between two players, following tie-breakers are applied in order

  • Best placement in the previous round
  • Major amount of points in the previous round
  • Major amount of stage victories in the round
  • Major amount of second places in the round
  • Major amount of third places in the round
  • Better single time gap in the three stages from the 1st placed
  • Better sum of time gaps
  • Better placement on the first man on the latest stage

Road – Classics

Each round of road is composed by two classics of whatever type. Stages are announced not later than 48hrs before the race.

Points are given according to the order of the 1st rider for each player who crosses the line, excluding IA and all the other player riders according to this point scale

  • 1st: 100 points
  • 2nd: 70 points
  • 3rd: 50 points
  • 4th: 35 points
  • 5th: 25 points
  • 6th: 18 points
  • 7th: 10 points
  • 8th: 5 points
  • 9th: 2 points
  • 10th: 1 point

If a player does not show up, he does not take any points. Players which shows up but resign from the race take points according to the order they resign (who resign first is classified last).


If, at the end of a round, there is an equality between two players, following tie-breakers are applied in order

  • Best placement in the previous round
  • Major amount of points in the previous round
  • Major amount of stage victories in the round
  • Major amount of second places in the round
  • Major amount of third places in the round
  • Better placement on the first man on the latest stage

Road – Tour

Each round of road is composed by four stages. Stages are announced not later than 48hrs before the race.

Points are given according for: stage, GC, points GC, kom GC in the following order. Points are giving to all the riders and not only the 1st one.

Stage points

  • 1st: 25 points
  • 2nd: 18 points
  • 3rd: 10 points
  • 4th: 5 points
  • 5th: 1 point

GC points

  • 1st: 100 points
  • 2nd: 70 points
  • 3rd: 50 points
  • 4th: 35 points
  • 5th: 25 points
  • 6th: 18 points
  • 7th: 10 points
  • 8th: 5 points
  • 9th: 2 points
  • 10th: 1 point

Points GC points

  • 1st: 50 points
  • 2nd: 30 points
  • 3rd: 20 points
  • 4th: 10 points
  • 5th: 5 points

KOM GC points

  • 1st: 40 points
  • 2nd: 25 points
  • 3rd: 15 points
  • 4th: 10 points
  • 5th: 5 points

If a player does not show up, he does not take any points. Players which shows up but resign from the race take points according to the order they resign (who resign first is classified last).

Intermediate sprint and kom sprints gave points according to Tour de France official point scale, with a few modifications

  • All the intermediate sprints and the finish line points has the same points (Mountain TDF scale)
  • No double KOM points on Mountain Finish
  • 3’’-2’’-1’’ bonifications in sprint, 10’’-6’’-4’’ at finish


If, at the end of a round, there is an equality between two players, following tie-breakers are applied in order

  • Position in GC


For each turn 5 keirin rounds are played. In case of an equality, position of the last round determines who advance. Points per round: 10-6-4-3-2-1. IA if present isn’t taken into account for points.


For each turn 3 rounds are played, 5 in the final. Ranking is done according to the best time. If the time is equal, 2nd best time counts, then 3rd time. If times are equal too, additional rounds between the players involved are played until times are different.

In the final, the ranking will be done on the sum of the best 3 times on 5 attempts. Times that matters are the times of the final screen. In case of the same sum between two players, best time matter.

Points Race

For each turn a 6 round point race is played. In case of a tie-break, who has the best position in last sprint wins

Elimination Race

For each round a single round of elimination race is played.


For each round a single round of 20-laps-scratch race is played.


Are played, in order

  • 6 sprints points race
  • 20 laps scratch
  • 1 200TT attempt
  • 1 round elimination race

Points for Scratch, 200TT and Elimination:

  • 1st:  20 points
  • 2nd: 18 points
  • 3rd:  16 points
  • 4th:  14 points
  • 5th:  12 points
  • 6th:  10 points
  • 7th:  8 points
  • 8th:  6 points
  • 9th:  4 points
  • 10th: 2 points
  • 11th: 1 point
  • 12th: 1 point
  • 13th: 1 point
  • 14th: 1 point
  • 15th: 1 point
  • 16th: 1 point


For what concerns points race, every player gets the point he scored.


In case of same points, the placement of the last sprint of points race will count.


Sprint is reserved for host players only on knock-out format. Riders play a series of sprint on a best-on-5 series (who wins 3 sprints advance). Database for sprint is 8-8-8. Final will be played best on 7.

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Competition Format – Team

Competitions are played into two rounds (First Round and Final) according to competition and number of subscriptions except for the keirin.

Round dates, group size and composition are communicated at subscription closing.

Road – Inline

Each round of road is composed by three stages: a green stage, a yellow stage, a red. Stages are announced 48hrs before the race. All rounds are played in a single evening: the three stages are played on the same day.

Each team is composed by three players with thee riders each.

Points are given to each rider for of each player who crosses the line, excluding IA

  • 1st: 100 points
  • 2nd: 70 points
  • 3rd: 50 points
  • 4th: 35 points
  • 5th: 25 points
  • 6th: 18 points
  • 7th: 10 points
  • 8th: 5 points
  • 9th: 2 points
  • 10th: 1 point

If a player does not show up, he does not take any points. Players which shows up but resign from the race take points according to the order they resign (who resign first is classified last).

Intermediate sprint and kom sprints gave points according to the following point scales. Differently from the ranking, they gave points according to the order of the riders, IA includes. So doubles, for example, are counted.

Intermediate sprints

  • 1st: 10 points
  • 2nd: 5 points
  • 3rd: 2 points

HC climbs

  • 1st: 10 points
  • 2nd: 7 points
  • 3rd: 5 points
  • 4th: 2 points
  • 5th: 1 points

1st cat climbs

  • 1st: 8 points
  • 2nd: 5 points
  • 3rd: 2 points
  • 4th: 1 points

2nd cat climbs

  • 1st: 5 points
  • 2nd: 2 points
  • 3rd: 1 point

3rd cat climbs

  • 1st: 2 points
  • 2nd: 1 point

4th cat climbs

  • 1st: 1 point


If, at the end of a round, there is an equality between two teams, following tie-breakers are applied in order

  • Best placement in the previous round
  • Major amount of points in the previous round
  • Major amount of stage victor in the round
  • Major amount of second places in the round
  • Major amount of third places in the round
  • Major amount of first places on HC climbs
  • Major amount of first places in intermediate sprints
  • Who has subscribed before

Player selection in Team Road Inline

Each team is composed by three players with thee riders each. One sub-team has the sprinters as best rider, the second has the hill-man as best rider, the third has the climber as best rider.

Each of the 6-8 member of the team can freely choose between the three teams proposed. People also can be switched between one stage and another. Only the following rule applies

- Sprinter sub-team in flat stage
- Hill-man sub-team in hill stage
- Climber sub-team in mountain stage

Must be played by 3 different people of the team for each round. 

Road – Individual Time Trial

Each round of road is composed by three individual time trial. Stages are announced 48hrs before the race.

Each team is composed by three players with one rider each.

Points are given to the team according to the sum of the best rider time for each player. Riders determine the ranking according to the following criteria

  • 1th: 10 points
  • 2th: 7 points
  • 3th: 5 points
  • 4th: 2 points

For the rest, same Inline rules may apply

Road – Team Time Trial

Each round of road is composed by a three team time trials. Stages are announced 48hrs before the race.

Each team is composed by three teams with six riders each (three normal TTT teams)

Points are given to the team according to the sum of the three teams time. Riders determine the ranking according to the following criteria

  • 1th: 10 points
  • 2th: 7 points
  • 3th: 5 points
  • 4th: 2 points

For the rest, same Inline rules may apply

Road – Team Classics

Each round of road is composed by two classics of whatever type. Stages are announced not later than 48hrs before the race.

Each team is composed by three players with thee riders each.

Points are given to all the riders that crosses the line, excluding IA and all the other player riders according to this point scale

  • 1st: 100 points
  • 2nd: 70 points
  • 3rd: 50 points
  • 4th: 35 points
  • 5th: 25 points
  • 6th: 18 points
  • 7th: 10 points
  • 8th: 5 points
  • 9th: 2 points
  • 10th: 1 point

If a player does not show up, he does not take any points. Players which shows up but resign from the race take points according to the order they resign (who resign first is classified last).

Player selection in Team Classics

Players are required to change the captain team for both classics following the instruction provided round by round.


If, at the end of a round, there is an equality between two players, following tie-breakers are applied in order

  • Best placement in the previous round
  • Major amount of points in the previous round
  • Major amount of stage victories in the round
  • Major amount of second places in the round
  • Major amount of third places in the round
  • Better single time gap in the three stages from the 1st placed
  • Better sum of time gaps
  • Better placement on the first man on the latest stage

Road – Tour

Each round of road is composed by three inline stages. Stages are announced not later than 48hrs before the race.

Each team is composed by three players with thee riders each.

Points are given according for: stage, GC, points GC, kom GC in the following order. All the points, including stage points, are given to all the players according to the placement and not only the first one.

Stage points

  • 1st: 25 points
  • 2nd: 18 points
  • 3rd: 10 points
  • 4th: 5 points
  • 5th: 1 point

GC points

  • 1st: 100 points
  • 2nd: 70 points
  • 3rd: 50 points
  • 4th: 35 points
  • 5th: 25 points
  • 6th: 18 points
  • 7th: 10 points
  • 8th: 5 points
  • 9th: 2 points
  • 10th: 1 point

Points GC points

  • 1st: 50 points
  • 2nd: 30 points
  • 3rd: 20 points
  • 4th: 10 points
  • 5th: 5 points

KOM GC points

  • 1st: 40 points
  • 2nd: 25 points
  • 3rd: 15 points
  • 4th: 10 points
  • 5th: 5 points

If a player does not show up, he does not take any points. Players which shows up but resign from the race take points according to the order they resign (who resign first is classified last).

Intermediate sprint and kom sprints gave points according to Tour de France official point scale, with a few modifications

  • All the intermediate sprints and the finish line points has the same points (Mountain TDF scale)
  • No double KOM points on Mountain Finish
  • 3’’-2’’-1’’ bonifications in sprint, 10’’-6’’-4’’ at finish


If, at the end of a round, there is an equality between two players, following tie-breakers are applied in order

  • Best placement in the previous round
  • Major amount of points in the previous round
  • Major amount of stage victories in the round
  • Major amount of second places in the round
  • Major amount of third places in the round
  • Major amount of first places on HC climbs
  • Major amount of first places in intermediate sprints
  • Better placement on the first man on the latest stage


For each team three players take part in the competition.

For each turn 5 keirin rounds are played. The rider that win the round make a point for its team. The team that make more points in the round won it.


For each team three players take part in the competition.

For each turn 3 rounds are played.

Best time is taken as sum of the best times for each player.

Host Is external.

Points Race

For each team four players take part in the competition

For each turn a 6 round point race is played.

Ranking is taken on the base of the best placed rider for each team.

Elimination Race

For each team four players take part in the competition

For each turn a single round of elimination race is played.

Ranking is taken on the base of the best placed rider for each team.


For each team four players take part in the competition

For each turn a single round of 20-laps-scratch race is played.

Ranking is taken on the base of the best placed rider for each team.


For each team four players take part in the competition

Are played, in order

  • 6 sprints points race
  • 20 laps scratch
  • 1 200TT attempt
  • 1 round elimination race

Position in each competition are taken, IA excluded.  Position are determined by team applying the rules above for each discipline

Ranking is made according to the low sum of team positions. In case of equality, last round position is the discriminant.


Sprint is reserved for host players only. Three players for each team are required. Each player from a team will play with each player of the other team for a total of 9 games. Each game will be on a single round and who wins it will score a point for his team. First team to get 5 points advance to round 1.

It’s forbidden to change members of the team in the middle of a match between two teams.

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Point Counting and quitting

For both road and track, players are required to stay in the room until the end and let the host close the room to have their name listed in the exports, helping the organizers to manage the point counting easily.

In particular, the following rules will apply

  • Players that won’t be in room at the start of the race will get ZERO points
  • Players that will quit in race will take points of the last regarding the single player classification of the stage in all the disciplines in which the first rider on the line scores points. They will keep KOM/IS points, even if IA scores them
  • If a player quits but the quitting act does not have an impact on the final placement of the rider (example, peloton already splitted and riders are one by one or player quitting while in breakaway and breakaway wins, or late crash) the organizer will give the player the points scored by the IA on the line
  • Regarding the previous points, in every case the other players must act and play like if the points scored by an IA acting for a quitter player should matter. Example: they should outsprint him in a restricted sprint and not simply following.
  • In no case a player will able to get more points than the one scored by the IA


The final ranking of each discipline will be done as follow

  • Finalists, in order of classification
  • Semifinalists, in order of classification (in competition with a single semifinal round)
  • Ranking from previous round

The ranking from previous round will be used in each draw (assuming there were multiple groups) and it will be done using the following as tiebreakers, in order

  • Best group placement in the round
  • Major amount of points scored in the round
  • Best group placement in the previous round
  • Major amount of points in the previous round


The ranking will be used to make the reserve list, discipline by discipline.

A reserve will re-enter in the competition if the organizer allows it due to the absence of a player.

The eliminated player will take the reserve position in the final ranking.

If the absent player shows up in the Pro Cycling Manager game before the effective start of the game, the reserve will send be back to reserve list and the player re-gain the right to compete. If the player shows up in the Pro Cycling Manager game after the effective start of the game, he is eliminated and loses the rights to compete in that event.

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Draw Procedures

Draws procedure for PCM 2019 World Championships will be done as follow. For each round of each competition several pots will be allocated accordingly to the number needed to fill each group. Rules will be announced draw by draw specifically for each competition



  • For Classic, Inline and Tour the organizers will allocate three pots of seeded players at first round
  • Seeded players will be chosen according to reputation, seasonal results in community events and past World Cup results
  • All the other pots will be allocated by nationality
  • Each draw will be done splitting the host picked by the organizer – and eventually a reserve host – in different group
  • Each draw will be done splitting the available streamers in different group
  • From Round 2 each draw will be done splitting players that played in same group at the round before in different groups. If this can’t be possible, at least players placed in first and second place shall play in different group
  • Each draw will be done splitting the number of people of the same nationality in the major amount of group possible. Example, if there are 8 people of same nationality and 4 groups, they will be 2 per group


  • There will be no seeding in track
  • All the other pots will be allocated by nationality
  • Each draw will be done splitting the host picked by the organizer – and eventually a reserve host – in different group
  • Each draw will be done splitting the number of people of the same nationality in the major amount of group possible. Example, if there are 8 people of same nationality and 4 groups, they will be 2 per group



  • There will be for each discipline a seeded pot of four teams valid for all road events
  • Seeded teams will be chosen according to reputation and past World Cup results
  • The seeded pot will be separated putting two teams in two groups
  • The same combination of seeded pot splitting can happen only once in Road Classic, Tour, Inline. In case it’s repeated, there will be a re-draw
  • If there is more than one team of the same nationality, they’ll be separated different groups.


  • There will be for each discipline a seeded pot of four teams valid for all track events
  • Seeded teams will be chosen according to reputation and past World Cup results
  • The seeded pot will be separated putting two teams in two groups
  • The same combination of seeded pot splitting can happen only once in Scratch, Points, Elimination Race and Omnium. In case it’s repeated, there will be a re-draw
  • Keirin, Sprint and 200TT will have different logics


For the first round of solo and team event (except ITT and TTT solo) there can be a re-seeding if there is an unbalanced number of players between groups – example: If group A has 6 players and group B has 4 players, one player will be moved from A to B.

Re-seeding will take place as follow

  • Only the unseeded players will be re-seeded
  • At the draw, each unseeded player will be placed randomly in the group.
  • The order will be the one from top to bottom, written in draw result
  • The seeding will take place moving the players from the bottom to the first group that need a player.
  • The players will be picked starting with the group with more players and following the alphabetical order
  • The destination group will be picked picking the group with less players, and following the alphabetical order






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Aggregate Rankings

Solo Road

Solo road points will be allocated to the players as follows



Track solo points for each player will be allocated as follow.


Each player, if it does end in a final position, gets the point listed below for the discipline. Three rankings are classified in the hall of fame as the sum of the points above.

  • Road Single Ranking: determines the Solo Road World Champion
  • Track Single Ranking: determines the Solo Track Road World Champion
  • Single Ranking: determines the Solo PCM World Champion
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Team race ranking

Every proof of the PCM19 World Championships gives points to the teams.





Teams are sometimes called to play a 5th place final. The teams that did not show up or refuse to play the 5th place final

  • Won’t take points in that discipline
  • Will get a penalty in team ranking of the 50% of the first place of that discipline.

Three rankings are classified in the hall of fame

  • Road Team Ranking: determines the Team Road World Champion
  • Track Team Ranking: determines the Team Track Road World Champion
  • Team Ranking: determines the Team PCM World Champion

Global ranking

The global ranking is calculated as the sum of the solo ranking and the team ranking.

A player of a team took the points of the team placement

  • if it competes in at least three finals for the 1st place if the team qualifies for at least six finals
  • always in the other cases

More three rankings are so calculated

  • Road Ranking: determines the Overall Road World Champion
  • Track Ranking: determines the Overall Track Road World Champion
  • PCM World Cup Ranking: determines the PCM World Champion of Pro Cycling Manager 2019!
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Prizes are given for the following competition in this order, according to the amount of prizes we will be able to get from BigBen. Every player can receive only one prize if a player will be in multiple rows of the ranking the entries after the first will be skipped in prize assignment

  1. Winner of Overall General Classification
  2. Winner of Solo General Classification
  3. Winner of Team Classification – Member 1
  4. Winner of Team Classification – Member 2
  5. Winner of Team Classification – Member 3
  6. Winner of Team Classification – Member 4
  7. Winner of Team Classification – Member 5
  8. Winner of Team Classification – Member 6
  9. Winner of Team Classification – Member 7
  10. Winner of Team Classification – Member 8
  11. Winner of Solo Road Classification
  12. Winner of Solo Track Classification
  13. Winner of Solo Road inline
  14. Winner of Solo Road Minitour
  15. Winner of Solo Road Classic
  16. Winner of Solo Omnium
  17. Winner of Elimination Race
  18. Winner of Scratch
  19. Winner of Keirin
  20. Winner of Points Race
  21. Winner of Sprint
  22. Winner of Solo Road ITT
  23. Winner of Solo Road TTT
  24. Winner of 200TT

From 25. The overall classification will be followed

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Jury Protocol

From April 26th the PCM 19 World Championships Jury is going to follow this protocol.

  • Organizers head will nominate a vice-president of the jury from the other non-player organizers
  • The vice-president will act as president in the all cases in which is needed unless the jury president decides otherwise
  • On each time an appeal is submitted to jury
    • The jury will inform the defendant
    • The jury will examinate the proof send by the appellant
    • The jury will hear the defendant before taking a decision, unless this one decided not to answer or be unavailable
    • The jury will decide if the appeal has reason to exists or the fact does not exists
  • In case the jury decided to accept the appeal has a reason to exists
    • The jury will vote by mayority to detemined if the appeal is accepted or dismissed
    • In case of acceptance the president will propose a series of fair sanctions for the fact involved, with different gravity scale
    • The jury will vote by mayority a sanction between this scale
    • In case the jury will not reach a mayority, the vote will be done removing the least voted option until a majority reached
    • In case of vote equality, the presidency will decide a sanction
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Road gameplay guidelines

According to the request from the jury, organizers released more guidelines about what should and what should not considered "play for damage or advantage a specific player"

  • It's NOT considered playing for damaging a specific player relaying against a dangerous player (considered in this way by the player that act) for the GC/final classification of the round if the player gets dropped by an event dependant by the player's will (example, being dropped or being in the back of a group split). 
  • It IS considered playing for damaging a specific player relaying against a dangerous player (considered in this way by the player that act) for the GC/final classification of the round if the player gets dropped by an event NOT dependant by the player's will (example a puncture) AND the game was not in an "hot phase" at that moment, so, in other words, if the that damaged the player it does depended directly from the event not dependant by the player's will (example: relaying in peloton while peloton was slow, after a player puncturing).
  • It's NOT considered playing for damaging a specific player slowing down a man to avoid to be followed in the wheel in the sprint phase, forcing the player to attack or choose another wheel, or moving 4-6 to make the player lose the wheel, at the condition 
  • It's generally NOT considered playing for damaging a specific player and/or team to relay to close the attacks of this player/team BUT it will be if the action it's repeated in time and in different episodes during the multiple race of the same session and/or it's proved also in another ways, for example deciding not to follow other players attacks for all the session.
  • About the previous point, the action of playing against a team CAN be justified on the battle for the classification of the round in question (so always close on 2nd player/team if I am currently 1st) but CANNOT be justified with other classifications than the one of the round currently playing (example: you have to focus on inline classification of the round, not team and solo GC)
  • It IS considered playing for advantaging or damaging a specific player/teams killing all your men to ride for another player without having benefits for yourself. Example, kill your captain in a mountain stage to favourite another captain and getting minutes at the end. 
  • It's NOT considered playing for advantaging or damaging a specific player/teams cooperating in a break for common interests.
  • It IS a teamplay any planned attack/move between two different players before the very moment in which it happens. In other word, you cannot planned in private with someone to attack on a specific point.
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Team Prizes

Organization decided this morning the criteria to receive a prize while being part of a team. Criteria to be satisfied are the following


  • If the team is qualified in at least two finals between classics, tour and inline, the player shall play at least one stage in one of these three finals to receive the prize
  • If the team is qualified in exactly one final between classics, tour and inline and at least one between ITT/TTT, the player shall play in one of these three finals entirely


  • The player shall take part in at least two semifinals rounds and two final round if the team is qualified in at least four final evening events of track. 
  • The player shall take part in at least one semifinals round and one final round if the team is qualified in less than four final evening events of track. 
  • 5th place finals are counted as final round
  • The final evening events are the following
    • Semifinals and Finals for Scratch, Elimination Race, Points Race
    • Finals for Omnium and 200TT
    • Final table events (from quarterfinals) for Scratch and Keirin

At least one between Road and Track requirements shall be satisfied.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Amministratori
Organizers communicates that in case of tie-break in each classification (Solo, Team, Overall) the same rules of solo classification will be followed. So the player/team with more first place in the competitions (team competition if team, solo competition if solo and overall gc) will win the tie. If number of first place are equals, we will go from major amount of 2nd places and so on until the tie is broken.
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