<weight value = "2"/>
<English text="The $CURRENTYEAR route for the $RACENAME race was presented to the media yesterday. You can view the stages by clicking the race name."/>
<French text="Le parcours $CURRENTYEAR de la course $RACENAME a été présenté hier à la presse."/>
<Italian text="Il percorso $CURRENTYEAR del $RACENAME è stato presentato ieri alla stampa."/>
<Dutch text="Het $CURRENTYEAR parcours voor de wedstrijd $RACENAME race is gisteren aan de media voorgesteld."/>
<Portuguese text="O percurso de $CURRENTYEAR da corrida $RACENAME foi divulgado ontem à imprensa."/>
<Spanish text="Ayer se dio a conocer ante los medios el recorrido para la edición de $CURRENTYEAR de $RACENAME."/>
<German text="Die Route für das $RACENAME Rennen $CURRENTYEAR wurde gestern der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt."/>
<!-- number : Number of the stage in the race-->
<!-- file : Filename of the 3d stage-->
<!-- name : Stage name, usually from Departure City to Arrival City-->
<!-- climat: (values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9) this will have influence on the wheater during the stage.
<!-- forcewind : Represents the speed of wind during the stage, this has huge importance for bordures, if there is a stage where there are many chances of bordures, you should set at least 60 but no more than 80 for a realistic gameplay. -->
<!-- dirwind : 999 for a random direction of the wind. Between 0 and 359 if you want to set the direction of the wind in your stage. Use it if you want to make realistic crosswinds in a special stage. -->
<stage number = "1"
file = "v6_top_giro_01"
name = "Caprera - La Maddalena"
climat = "2"
forcewind = "40"
dirwind = "999"/>
<stage number = "2"
file = "v6_top_giro_02"
name = "Tempio Pausania - Bosa"
climat = "2"
forcewind = "40"
dirwind = "999"/>
<stage number = "3"
file = "v6_top_giro_03"
name = "Barumini - Cagliari"
climat = "2"
forcewind = "60"
dirwind = "999"/>
<stage number = "4"
file = "v6_top_giro_04"
name = "Salerno - Monte Vergine di Mercogliano"
climat = "4"
forcewind = "20"
dirwind = "999"/>
<stage number = "5"
file = "v6_top_giro_05"
name = "Teano - Frascati"
climat = "2"
forcewind = "20"
dirwind = "999"/>
<stage number = "6"
file = "v6_top_giro_06"
name = "Tivoli - Spoleto"
climat = "2"
forcewind = "20"
dirwind = "999"/>
<stage number = "7"
file = "v6_top_giro_07"
name = "Spoleto - Scarperia"
climat = "2"
forcewind = "60"
dirwind = "999"/>
<stage number = "8"
file = "v6_top_giro_08"
name = "Barberino del Mugello - Fiorano Modenese"
climat = "2"
forcewind = "20"
dirwind = "999"/>
<stage number = "9"
file = "v6_top_giro_09"
name = "Reggio Emilia - Lido di Camiore"
climat = "2"
forcewind = "20"
dirwind = "999"/>
<stage number = "10"
file = "v6_top_giro_10"
name = "Camaiore - Nostra Signora della Guardia"
climat = "4"
forcewind = "30"
dirwind = "999"/>
<stage number = "11"
file = "v6_top_giro_11"
name = "Serravalle - Pinerolo"
climat = "4"
forcewind = "35"
dirwind = "999"/>
<stage number = "12"
file = "v4_top_giro_12"
name = "Scalenghe - Briançon"
climat = "4"
forcewind = "20"
dirwind = "999"/>
<stage number = "13"
file = "v6_top_giro_13"
name = "Biella - Santuario d' Oropa"
climat = "4"
forcewind = "20"
dirwind = "999"/>
<stage number = "14"
file = "v6_top_giro_14"
name = "Cantù - Bergamo"
climat = "4"
forcewind = "20"
dirwind = "999"/>
<stage number = "15"
file = "v6_top_giro_15"
name = "Trento - Tre cime di Lavaredo
climat = "4"
forcewind = "20"
dirwind = "999"/>
<stage number = "16"
file = "v6_top_giro_16"
name = "Agordo - Lienz"
climat = "4"
forcewind = "20"
dirwind = "999"/>
<stage number = "17"
file = "v6_top_giro_17"
name = "Lienz - Monte Zoncolan"
climat = "4"
forcewind = "30"
dirwind = "999"/>
<stage number = "18"
file = "v6_top_giro_18"
name = "Udine - Riese Pio X"
climat = "2"
forcewind = "20"
dirwind = "999"/>
<stage number = "19"
file = "v6_top_giro_19"
name = "Treviso - Terme di Comano"
climat = "4"
forcewind = "20"
dirwind = "999"/>
<stage number = "20"
file = "v6_top_giro_20"
name = "Bardolino - Verona"
climat = "2"
forcewind = "20"
dirwind = "999"/>
<stage number = "21"
file = "v6_top_giro_21"
name = "Vestone - Milano"
climat = "2"
forcewind = "20"
dirwind = "999"/>