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Messaggi pubblicati da bobja1995

  1. no offense emmea but it isn't it better that someone else hosts, cause from what i've heard you have lags with so many players... I can host group A for example, now people will say that it isn't fair cause i have better chances at time trial, but in my case it doesn't matter if i host or not, i always have about the same times, my record is even when i didn't host, you can ask around if you want :wink:

    It's not only about the 200m. You've an advantage in all. Pointsrace Elimination and Scratch also. I like external hosts. If they lag so big, everyone have it and it's more fair. But it would be nice if there are good external hosts

  2. Last night, thinking I concluded that the problem was not mine but the host:

    in the first round of the keirin bubba was the host of my group, I had a bug and he was re but again I had bug then told me that was like we were only 3 and I was going to pass to the next round then I said ok.

    So I usually have bug with bubba as host last night so if there had been another host in stage 4 I would be in the semis but now it's late :|

    I think you've to be best number 6 :)

  3. I know np

    I hate to be eliminated and more if I cant try because if I play and another wins me I am angry but I can accept because is my fault but this time isnt the case. Last year I had too bad lucky when I was in final scratch y and points race my pc broke...

    Now I will be angry until tomorrow, because I hate losing in football, card games, games of tables, etc.

    Carlosssssss :cry2: :cry2: :cry2::nonnn: You'd won :cry2: . I'd also bug, but i'm very bad in road, so it's bad luck, but no problem. But you could reach final :(:blush:

  4. Last week bubba said me you do re seven times for you.

    Now 3 players have bug. I said bubba to do re to see if was your or his fault, saying before no more re after that will be done.

    Also bubba said me you haven't bug only were in group back...

    I am tired to listen this, the hosts of every group will decide.

    i was the officially host, i say re for me :wink:

  5. Scratch - Semifinals

    Group A

    1 Megatoby (Belgium)

    2 Messi_19 (Belgium)

    3 -Stinos94- (Belgium)

    4 prevenage (Belgium)

    5 ITA_P-Jama (Italy)

    6 Job1915 (Netherlands)

    7 _Sandertje_ (Netherlands)

    8 xAlejandrox (Netherlands)

    9 PCMP_MartinF (Netherlands)

    10 gautran2 (Belgium)

    11 Genbeppu (Netherlands)

    12 -Cecemel- (Belgium)

    13 Adini (Poland)

    14 Evert_gilbert (Belgium)

    15 invasor_c_moi (Italy)

    16 Antoine-Griezmann (France)

    Group B

    1 Bobja1995 (Netherlands)

    2 Ghosty_92 (Germany)

    3 Shadow59 (France)

    4 superalex (Italy)

    5 -Jonathan- (Netherlands)

    6 Scuderia (Belgium)

    7 Michiel910715 (Belgium)

    8 Nilea (Belgium)

    9 Lux-A-Schleck (France)

    10 Daniano (Germany)

    11 psfreak (Belgium)

    12 FRA_jerome (Netherlands)

    13 the_bullet (Belgium)

    14 Den Berre (Belgium)

    15 Roniek (Poland)

    To final

    Please note, that from now bobja won't host anything more.

    When i hosted, nobody had lag. Only Shadow bugged. But that's just bad luck :lol::thumbup:

  6. Second Round

    Day 1:

    Elba Show Circuit

    Longjumeneau – Paris Champs Elysees

    Group A

    ITA_Albe21 (Italy) 204

    _Sandertje_ (Netherlands) 188

    Marley49 (France) 161

    Fizik10 (Italy) 126

    psfreak (Belgium) 124

    Daniano (Germany) 95

    Purepasd2 (Denmark) 0

    -Cecemel- (Belgium) 0

    ita-ndalax25 (Italy) 0

    Sebciourus (Poland) 0

    Group B

    Ghosty_92 (Germany) 222

    Job1915 (Netherlands) 205

    Andy_Schleck_Frank (France) 157

    derotti17 (Chile) 138

    invasor_c_moi (Italy) 88

    NysFanPCMW (Belgium) 81

    ITA_Ciro (Italy) 47

    ITA_ricky91 (Italy) 0

    Tremades (Poland) 0

    Silvergod (Portugal) 0

    Group C

    carlos_valverde (Spain) 159

    Pylarz (Poland) 156

    Shadow59 (France) 151

    BubbaDJ (Italy) 137

    ITA_P-Jama (Italy) 131

    Jobinho2 (Netherlands) 102

    Megatoby (Belgium) 102

    CRVL_077 (Italy) 28

    daxnilo (Italy) 18

    Siwer (Denmark) 0

    Group D

    Damiano-Cunego96 (Germany) 201

    Lux-A-Schleck (France) 195

    kimiopn (Portugal) 144

    ITA_Bruseghin94 (Italy) 123

    Finwe_94 (Italy) 92

    Bobja1995 (Netherlands) 89

    bastischerrers0211 (Germany) 82

    Naustratze (Denmark) 25

    the_bullet (Belgium) 19

    ITA_Petacchi94 (Italy) 18

    Bobja is under investigation for what happens in group D. BubbaDj said me that he insults all player during all the game. I am waiting for e-mail at of ingame players to report me what happened in group D under the disciplinary profile.

    I insulted only Damiano-Cunego and his Friend Basi because they were 2 hours crying about lag and that i was a bad host. But if you want to dsq me because of that. It's ok. And i make jokes with Lux-A-Schleck, but i dont think you mean that with insulting. You are a host too (and with very much lag) it's not fun to hear you have big lags. (and it's more stupid if only 3/4 people say it and the others says there is no lag at all.)

    But Damiano-Cunego said sorry about it, and i forgave him for what he did. Have a nice day.

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