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Messaggi pubblicati da Jan_Ullrich15


    This guide describes how to create new NIF files using existing NIF files as a base. The guide assumes

    your have basic experience with 3d modeling software, whichever one you use. That’s why this guide

    is not describing the process of changing a 3d model in a 3d modeling software.

    Step 1 is not necessary. It’s possible to create a new 3d model without importing an original game

    file. In that case you can start at step 3. However, step 1 is strongly recommended, because it shows

    you the structure of the original game files and the original object can be used as a reference. Think

    about the number of polygons and triangles, and especially the size of the object. Because, when you

    don’t use an original game file as reference, how would you know what size your model has to be?

    At the end you may have made a wheel that is larger than the bicycle itself….

    PAY ATTENTION! Please make backups of the original PCM files.

    For this guide I have used this NIF file: `wheel_ffwd_f2r.nif'.

    You can find the file under …\PCM08\ CM_Meshes \ Equipment \ Wheels.

  2. So they want to make a pack alone, then?

    Wouldn't it be better to have a bigger team, doesn't need to be to big, maybe 3-4 more pepole focusing on what they are good at instead just not wanting anybody else to help?

    That's just my point of view on this case.

    But we could make another pack for instance, maybe an historic database or a futuristic pack.

    If they don't need help and won't help, we don't need to not make a pack anyways or?

  3. Petacchi: Is your stage fantasy with real profile of the stage or a real stage with the real profile?

    And i have finsihed the faults and it works though when ingame, the roads are going over themselfs and i think you must make the roads ago since you can't have the roads cross each other.

    The only fault i found in the Rsm_Profiler itself where on the end after the last section_lenght you wrote something like this <Arrival/> and that you don't need at all it just crash if you have that.

    download here the corrected and updated stage:

    Happy to help you.

  4. I saw many faults there, at the start you must make a line like this: <start altitude="3" name="Grado" />, one example.

    And you cant in Rsm_Profiler make a line with place begin name and then right after that line use place_end and you must put the section lenght's in between and you only use that if you are at the start at a mountain top!

    What you did: <place_begin name="Montebello" info_lenght="1" info_averageslope="3" />

    <place_end />

    You should do: <place_begin name="Montebello" info_lenght="1" info_averageslope="2.7" />

    <section length="1" slope="2.7" />

    <place_end />

    Just one example and it's not wird you get that fault message, but if you make thoose faults right, it should work, but if you get more faults just send a note here and i'll help you.

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