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Messaggi pubblicati da Dinli

  1. Like i was saying thats not a graphical problem. This stage has a lot of errors and bugs, and you can all check that. Normally km's are correct with the time when it will be start counting, but it dont happen in this stages. Finishing line arent in the correct position too, but one thing we can all claim that all the players have the finishing line in the same position.

    For example, we did so many test on offline mode and we would like to show you many interesting things...


    In this case Gilbert start counting before the finishing line and it appear (-) on km.


    But now check Henao in the same race, he was 100 metres to the finishing line, but you saw in the print before that Gibert was in a similar position and it appear (-). 




    And now check Contador now he start counting, but you can compare him with gilbert for example, gilbert started count before contador. And look the km's of Contador.




    Now check Alaphi and compare his km to the finishing line with contador's km. 

    Basically km's of riders was wrong, finishing line wasnt in the right place, and there were cyclists started counting in different places.


    Now you can see the same stage but another game



    Now it appear correctly, or close it. 


    I dont know who did this stage, but its so strange. Basically you make a race where all things can be wrong.

    In conclusion, you can have many different beetween players but there are one thing that we have all in comum, the place of the finishing line. I hope that Messi take us his replay, but unfortunately we know that it will never show up. :o

    And dont forget a thing in all prints that we took we were in second position, he took prints where we can see us before, at and after finishing line always in 2 position. In those prints that i took here for offline mode we would win in valverde case and gilbert case too.  

  2. 7 hours ago, Noris85 said:

    i got tired of explaining the same things...for TV and Gpm worth the screen of results, for the finish line worth the final screen or export! I put the results as soon as possible. 

    Are you fking kidding with us? Srsly are you fking trying do it with us?

    Man are you blind? Do wanna make us stupid guys? Arent you watching what we call all see? We prove it with so many fking prints we dont care about your stupid rules. If you dont understand that the game has a lot of errors and bugs dont accept to be a member of organization. Ridiculous. 


  3. If Portugal subscribes 12 players in team world cup, will you give us 12 pmc's? I'am supposing that we win gc. 


    " Points are given according to the order of the 1st rider for each player who crosses the line, excluding IA and all the other player riders according to this point scale "

    Wtf? Only 1 st rider? It doesnt make any sense. Basically my strat will be to put all my riders in the breakaway, and let my "best" rider protected by another cyclist in the peloton, and gg. 

  4. qRmyl1C.png

    Good night everybody!

    I think you all know who I am, and what leads me to write this post. Yes, it's true, the PCM World Cup is back! This year, as you should know, it's the Portuguese community whose organising this event. It's with great pride and effort that we receive the organisation of this event this year. We hope to give the best of us in order to make the event a success. For this, we count with your presence. Without it, nothing is possible. We count with your presence, and mostly, we count that you bring a positive mind into the event, FREE of discussions and confusion, and we simply hope you share your taste for cycling and for the game, and that you make this the best World Cup ever made. For now, thank you for everything, thank you for your support show throught the time by each one of you. I, and the whole portuguese community, hope not to disappoint you. Down here, I'll place the links for the event thread. And sorry to all who've been sending me messages oever the time, but I haven't got the time to answer all of you. I've been busy with the organisation of the events and with the college exams.


    I hope to see you at the World Cup. Thank You!


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