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Messaggi pubblicati da fodzal

  1. However, the jerseys aren't nice (i'm not very gilted for this...). So, if some of you can create some jerseys, it will be cool! I see on this forum (PCM 09 , DB regionale) some jerseys which are very nice!

    Germania centrale (Renania-Du-Vestfalia, Assia, Turingia e Sassonia)

    Germania del Nord (Amburgo, Brema, Bassa Sassonia, Sassonia-Anhalt, Brandeburgo, Berlino, Schleswig-Holstein e Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)

    Spagna-Catalunya (Catalogna, Comunità Valenciana)

    Espagbe Galicia (Galizia, Asturie e Cantabria)

    Spagna-Madrid (Castilla e León, Madrid e Estremadura)

    Paese Spagna-basco (Paesi Baschi, Navarra e La Rioja)

    Francia-Ile-de-France (Bassa Normandia, Alta Normandia, Ile-de-France e di Centro)

    Francia del sud (Rodano-Alpi, Aquitaine, Midi-Pirenei, Languedoc-Roussillon, PACA e Corsica)

    Italia-Lombardia (Lombardia, Piemonte, Liguria e Valle d'Aosta)

    Toscana Italia-Toscana (, Emilia-Romagna e Marche)

    Italia-Trentino (Trentino-Alto Adige, Veneto e Friuli-Venezia Giulia)

    Sud della Germania (Baden-Wuerttemberg, Baviera, Renania-Palatinato e Saarland)

    Spagna - Andalucia (Andalusia e Murcia)

    Spagna - Aragona (Aragona e Castiglia-La Mancha)

    Francia - Bretagna (Bretagna e Pays de la Loire)

    Francia - Bourgogne (Borgogna, Franche-Comte, Poitou-Charentes, Limousin e Auvergne)

    Francia - Nord (Picardie, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Champagne-Ardenne, Lorena, Alsazia)

    Italia - Lazio (Lazio, Abruzzo, Umbria, Campania e Molise)

    Italia - Sud (Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicilia e Sardegna)

    (translation of google, in french on the french forum:

    There is work...! I hope there will be help (french community isn't very interested in making jerseys for my db :( )

  2. There are some problems with the last links (especially for .exe, it installs badly).

    So, I uploaded a new version. Don't mind of the first post.

    1. Install the Patch Cyanide (excepted if it has been done before)

    2.Install Full Cycling Manager V1.2(two .EXE + the 3 files stages 3D)

    3.Download the Fodzal Pack(Final Version)

    Follow the instructions which are contained in this rar file.

    (It corrects some bug of installation and somme other minor things, compared to the last version)

    4.You can play (don't forget to choose the db in Options). Enjoy!

    More information on (french forum).









  3. Hello, I created a pack Nations with approximately 120 team. It is based on the Full Cycling Manager.

    There is two db: Nations (only the countries) ans Nations/Régions (countries + regions) .


    1. Install the Patch Cyanide (excepted if it has been done before)

    2.Install Full Cycling Manager V1.2(two .EXE + the 3 files stages 3D)

    3.Download and execute the Graph Part(EXE) which install all the graphic part in Program Files/Pro Cycling Manager 2010

    4.Then, download the Database Part(rar) which contains the Local and the DB. After the file's opening, you will have 2 files EXE : there is one which install the DBs for Pack Nations, the other for Pack Nations/regions. choose only one.

    5.Download this Corrective which add minilogos of team (needed for simulation). Extract it in Program Files/Pro Cycling Manager 2010

    6.You can play (don't forget to choose the db in Options)

    More information on (french forum).

    PS: There are some problems with some links (Megaupload :@)

    So, other links:

    Graph Part (EXE) :

    Corrective minilogos:

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